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San Antonio, TX 78218.
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Guar. Is that covered by PACA?

Filled under PACA Produce on June 12, 2014 - no comments .

Guar, is that covered by PACA?  Recently we were contacted by a group of growers who had not been paid for shipments of guar beans.  Guar is a desert plant, native of Pakistan and India, the beans from which can be processed to be used as a food additive and as a component in fracking fluid used in petroleum drilling.  While guar powder can be used in food products and guar protein can be used


“Governed by PACA”

Filled under PACA Law, PACA Trust Rights on June 5, 2014 - no comments .

“This contract is governed by PACA.”  This sentence frequently appears in a product contract.  But what does it really mean?  Frequently the answer is little or nothing.   In Spanish, term for something that sounds good, but means little is the word “caramelo” or caramel in English.  This terms refers to the fact that a caramel candy tastes but quickly dissolves into nothing.  A contract clause that states that the contract is “governed by PACA”


Produce Inventory Management for Consignments – The Distributor’s Achilles’ Heel

Filled under DRC, PACA on May 7, 2012 - no comments .

The major part of produce shipped to the United States from Latin America is shipped on consignment.  The US importer receives the produce, sells it and charges the exporter a commission for his services.  In our experience, the handling of produce inventory by produce importers remains among the most common reasons for losses in and claims upon produce consignments. One important issue is that both produce importers and exporters must monitor the handling of inventories



Filled under PACA, PACA Trust, Uncategorized on April 29, 2012 - no comments .

(This post applies only to US produce shippers who have PACA licenses and who include a PACA trust legend on their invoices.) Most US shippers of produce have PACA licenses and protect their rights under the PACA trust by including a legend at the bottom of their invoices.  If a US shipper has both a PACA license and a legend at the bottom of its invoice, then it qualifies for the special protections of the


Temperature and Claims

Filled under PACA Agricultural Products on April 6, 2012 - no comments .

Temperature and Claims Most traders in produce and agricultural goods know the importance of temperature during transit, especially if the product is delivered F.O.B.  It the cold chain is broken, a receiver may be liable for the price of the load, depending on the degree by which the chain was broken, the moment  and the duration of the break.  For this reason, shippers frequently include one or more recorders in a load to provide a


PACA and Invoices

Filled under PACA on March 31, 2012 - no comments .

With the launch of our new website, we are also launching our Produce and Ag Trade Law Blog.  The blog will cover items that are of interest to traders in produce and other agricultural goods to and from the US.   We will also mention cases of note in federal and state courts. Legal notes – Invoicing and PACA Invoices are important and incorrect invoicing can lead to legal problems.  One serious problem arising in invoicing