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Texas Produce Recovery Fund

Products Covered

Fresh fruits and vegetables.

Who is Protected?

Anyone who deals with a Texas license holder of fruits and vegetables.   Claims are covered up to $50,000 for a single shipper on a single contract.  Payments for claims against entities not licensed by the fund are limited to $40,000.

Who is Subject to the Law?

Texas based purchasers of Texas produced fruits and vegetables are subject to the law and required to possess a license issued by the Texas Department of Agriculture.  Receivers are legally required to reimburse the fund for any payment made by the fund.  If a party is was not licensed at the claim was filed, it shall be liable to the Produce Recovery Fund for 150% of the amount paid by the fund.  Failure to pay the full amount of any award results in loss of the licensee’s Texas produce license.

Claims Period

All claims for unpaid product must have taken place in the last 365 days.  There are other limitations in the law.

Where are Claims Filed?

Claims are filed with the Texas Produce Recovery Fund Board.  Claims must be sworn by the claimant.

Is there a Bond Requirement?


Here is a sample claim form:  Texas Produce Recovery Claim Form